This policy details the rules associated with paying for membership, renewing membership, member participation, membership expiry, and committee membership. It’s worth a read if you are considering applying for membership.
Joining the Club
Once a prospective member has been accepted into the club after following the steps on the how to join page, the membership fee must be paid into the club’s bank account. Membership fee is $90 for the first year (includes club Shirt worth $30) and then a recurring fee of $60 per year thereafter. Memberships are charged by calendar year, however we provide a pro-rata rates for new members that join during the year as follows…
- Jan-Mar: $90 (full fee)
- Apr-Jun : $75 ($30 + 75% of recurring fee)
- Jul-Sep : $60 ($30 + 50% of recurring fee)
- Oct-Dec: $45 ($30 + 25% of recurring fee)
Bank account details are on the Contact Page
4WD Training
New members must attend a recognized 4wd training course within their first 12 months of membership. New members will not be able to lead trips without first having completed training.
Member Participation
Members of our club are encouraged to lead some trips, either un-aided, or with the help of a fellow member, and attend other club trips and functions regularly, or at least from time to time. Members are expected to be aware of our safety policy, smoking policy, dog policy, and code of ethics.
Renewing Membership
Membership fees are due by the end of Feb each year. Members receive several notices of their membership fees being due, via the club’s group email system. If a member’s fee is not received by the due date, then the membership lapses, and so the member becomes an Ex-member.
Membership Cancellation
A membership can be cancelled by the committee, if the committee decides that the member behaves inappropriately. This can include behaving like a hoon, being anti-social, abusive, engaging in illegal activities, or any other reason that is not in the best interest of the club, it’s members, the environment, and the public. Cancellation of membership does not entitle the member to a refund of fees.
Ex-members are permitted to attend any club events or trips, however they are encouraged to re-join, so as to be fair to those who have paid their fees and enjoy the benefits of club membership. Ex-members are limited to 3 trips, the same as visitors. Should the Ex-member wish to then re-join at a later date, pro-rata rates do not apply, that is, they must pay the full fee. The committee also reserves the right to consider whether to allow an Ex-member to re-join, taking into account the circumstances by which the membership lapsed.
Track Marshals
Track Marshalls will be nominated by the committee, have had 4WD training and have previously led at least 5 trips. There must be at least one Track Marshall for every 6 cars on trips (including Track Marshall’s vehicle).
Committee members
To be eligible for election onto the club’s committee, the member must have been an active member for a minimum of 2 years. Being a member of another 4WD club is acceptable, however it is preferable that their primary 4WD interest to be with our club, so that they will allocate adequate time to be of service to our club.
Committee members are encouraged to lead several trips per year, and attend committee meetings.