Member List

NameHandleVehicleWeb SiteFinancial
AlanSkipToyota Landcruiser Prado 120 GXL
AndrewRooIsuzu MU-X 2019Y
AndrewAndrewToyota PradoN
CharlesStyxLandrover Discovery 3 SEHM
ChrisRainmanToyota Prado RVN
CrawfordMcGyverToyota Landcruiser 200 series VX 2018Y
DeaneDinoNissan Patrol Y62
DerekPyroNONE - Between 4WD's at the moment!HM
DwayneMudslideToyotal Landcruiser 300 series VX 2024Y
EdwardSteadyToytoa Prado 2019N
EricCoightyPajero NX 2016N
GiulioGiulioNissan Navara STXN
GlennStampyFord Everest Trend 2018Y
HaydenDugToyota FJ CruiserN
JamesJimboHilux 2017Y
JeraldRedNissan Patrol ST 2006N
JoeJoeToyota Prado 150N
MatthewMattyNissan Patrol Y62 Ti-l 2022N
MurrayMuzzaFord Ranger 2014 3L v6 turbo
RichardRichoToyota Prado 120 series 2009N
SimonHammerPrado 120 series GrandeY
StuartStuartIsuzu MUXN
TonyTCToyota Prado GXL 2024N
TrentRumblesHolden Colorado RG LSXN
WayneRushieIsuzu Dmax dual cab uteN

Financial status: Y = Yes (paid), N = No (have not paid), HM = Honorary Member, DP = Delete Pending
NOTE: Members with DP status do not have access to group email, or secure pages, are not covered by TCIS insurance, and are not entitled to attend club trips.

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