Members and visitors of GoBush 4WD club, who own dogs, need to be aware of our club’s dog policy, which provides important information which should be considered, when deciding to bring your dog on any club trips and events.
Trip Leaders
Trip leaders should advise whether dogs are allowed on trips, when publishing the trip details on the events page, or via the group email system.
Trip Participants
If a trip says “no dogs”, then participants should not bring their dogs.
If the trip allows dogs, then participants should advise the trip leader (or the trip co-ordinator) that they intend to bring their dog with them (prior to trip).
If the trip does not specify whether it is “dog friendly”, then participants should contact the trip leader (or the trip co-ordinator) and ask permission to bring their dog, prior to the trip.
Aggressive breeds
Dog of aggressive breeds are not permitted on trips.
Doggie doo-doo
Owners are to clean up after their dogs.
Dogs are to be kept on leads at all times, unless everyone agrees on a time and a place to let the dogs have “a run”.
Meal Time
Dogs are to be kept away from areas when food is being prepared or eaten.
Barking / Noise
It is the owners responsibility to keep their dog quite, so as to not annoy other members, especially when trying to rest or sleep.
If a member’s dog does not get on with another member or their dog, then it is the responsibility of the owner to make sure their dog is kept away from this member or dog. We suggest that any dogs that show this kind of anti-social behaviour are best to be left at home. We define “anti-social behaviour” as growling, barking, lunging, biting, etc.
Have any questions? Then please contact our secretary from the Contact Us page.