Our club is constantly on the lookout for new areas to explore, as the number of areas that remain open to 4WDs for recreational use, seems to be reducing. Areas are often being closed by CALM, due to them being cut up by irresponsible drivers. Our club follows the “Tread Lightly” philosophy, to ensure that we do not damage the tracks that we drive on. Some of our favourite spots include…
Day Trips:
- Armadale hills
- Jarrahdale
- Julimar state forest
- Lancelin
- Moore river state forrest
- Mundaring
- Pinjar / Gnangara
- Tims Thicket / White Hills
- Wilbinga

Weekend / Long weekend trips:
- Albany / Denmark
- Auora Ranges / Mount Helena
- Balingup / Nannup
- Bremer Bay / Fitzgerald river national park
- Collie / Wellington Dam
- Dwellingup
- Goldfields / Kalgoorlie
- Harvey
- Holland track
- Hyden / Lake Johnson
- Jurien bay / Stock yard gully / Lake Indoon
- Lake Indoon
- Lancelin / Wedge island / Grey / Cervantes
- Moore river state forest
- Paynes find / Ningham station
- Pemberton / Northcliffe / Warren river
- Walpole
- Wedge Island

BIG Trips:
- Ayers rock / Alice springs (2 week trip)
- Ayers Rock / Fraser Island / Queensland (5 week trip)
- Canning Stock Route (2-3 week trips)
- Coral bay / Ningaloo station / Exmouth (1 week trip)
- Gibb River Road
- Holland track (3-4 day trip)
- Israelite bay / Cape Arid (1 week trip)
- Karijini / Hamersley ranges (1 week trip)
- Kennedy Ranges (1 week trip)
- Rudell River (1 week trip)