
2024 Trips and Events. ( click here for previous years & here for next year’s events )

MonthDay_&_DateEvent DetailsParticipants
Where shall we go?  Click here for some possible destinations.
It’s 2024! We need more 4WD trips!!
Hi guys! So, we have had Covid excuses. We have had cost of living excuses. Time to move on and do some trips! Let’s make 2024 the year to get this club ramped up again! Anyone interested in leading a trip, please email me and I can assist with sorting out the details for you. Here are some of the requirements and guidelines for Leading Trips in GoBush 4WD club.
JanSun 7th – Tue 9th Harvey Dam – trip complete
Difficulty: *     Endurance: **    Trip leader: Dino    
Attending: Dino, Roo, Skip, Coighty,  
JanFri 26thAustralia Day Holiday
JanFri 26th – Sun 28thWellington Dam – TRIP CANCELLED
Difficulty: *     Endurance: **    Trip leader: Dino
FebSat 24th Feb GoBush AGM – event complete
Difficulty: *     Endurance: *    Trip leader: Skip   
Attending: Skip, Coighty, TC, Mudslide, Matty, Muzza, Dino
Apologies:  Roo, Macca, Steady, Stampy, Dug, Jimbo, Red, Hammer,
MarMon 4thLabour Day public holiday
Guilderton to Seabird Day trip – trip complete
Difficulty: ***     Endurance: **    Trip leader: Skip
Attending: Skip, Roo, Dino, Macca
MarSat 16th – Sun 17thNEXT SOCIAL EVENT:
Mandurah Crab Fest weekend (public event) – event complete.
Difficulty: **     Endurance: **    Trip leader: Matty
Attending: Matty,

MarWed 27th – Mon 1st AprLucky Bay Kalbari Easter Trip – trip complete
Difficulty: **     Endurance: ***    Trip leader: Muzza
Attending: Muzza, Jimbo, Dino, Matty, 2 visitors,
MarFri 29thEaster Good Friday
MarFri 29th – Sun 14 AprSchool Holidays
AprMon 1stEaster Monday
AprSat 13thCommittee meeting at the BillabongPOSTPONED
Committee members are invited to Skip’s place for a meeting. Other member can apply to attend also. BYO drinks. Will crank up the BBQ & Pizza oven! Rock up at around 6PM
Difficulty: *     Endurance: *    Trip leader: Skip
Attending: Skip, TC,
Appologies: Roo

Read this Safety message please!
AprThu 25thAnzac Day Holiday
MayFri 31st – Mon 3rdPemberton Long weekend trip – trip complete
Difficulty: ****     Endurance: **    Trip leader: Dino
Attending: Dino, Roo, Muzza, Steady,
JunMon 3rdWestern Australia Day public holiday
JunSat 8thCommittee meeting at TC’s place
Committee members are invited to TC’s place for a meeting. Other member can apply to attend also. BYO drinks. Will probably buy some food too!
Difficulty: *     Endurance: *    Trip leader:  TC
Attending: TC, Skip, Stampy, Mudslide,
Appologies: Roo
Read this Safety message please!
JunFri 21st – Sun 23rdPeacefull Valley Farm Stay – trip complete
Difficulty: *     Endurance: ***    Trip leader:  Jimbo
Attending: Jimbo, Coighty, Muzza, Dino, Guilio, Roo
JunSun 23rd – Mon 1st July“Tour de Stations 2024Butchers track, 1 week trip – trip complete
Difficulty: **     Endurance: **    Trip leader:  TC
Attending: TC, Skip, Stuart (TC’s Dad),
JunSat 29th – Sun 14 JulSchool Holidays
AugSat 24, Sun 25thWyalkatchem Rodeo event
Annual Rodeo being held in Wyalkatchem. If last years event was anything to go buy, those that attend all agreed that it was a great weekend.  The event is on the Saturday but the idea is to go up on the Friday afternoon/evening and set up camp, party and have fun. The next day is full on and then in the evening there is a live band to entertain us. Most people left on the Sunday morning. Cost to camp for the weekend is $30 per person (Fri, Sat & Sun nights). Entry cost to the Rodeo is $59 per person ($39.50 for aged). Entry fee and camping fee have to be purchased separately. Tickets : ttps://
Camping tickets
Difficulty: *     Endurance: *    Trip leader:  Jimbo
Attending: Jimbo, Matty (tentative),

Read this Safety message please!
SepTBAHolland Track – 4 day trip
We are looking for expression of interest to run our annual Holland track trip. Let us know if interested, then we will lock in a date. This trip is NOT suitable for camper trailers / caravans. More soon
Difficulty: ****     Endurance: **    Trip leader:  TC
Attending: TC, Skip, Stampy,

Read this Safety message please!
SepTBAPerth Boat Show (Public Event)
Club Marine International Boat Show, at Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.
More info…
SepSat 7thCommittee meeting at Stampy’s place
Committee members are invited to Stampy’s place for meeting. Other members may request attendance too. Food / snacks to be decided later. As Stampy’s place is an hour north of Perth, we may car pool. More soon.
Difficulty: *     Endurance: **    Trip leader:  Stampy
Attending: Stampy, Skip, Mudslide,
Appologies: Roo
Read this Safety message please!
SepSat 21st – Sun 6th OctSchool Holidays
NovFri 8th – Sun 10thPerth 4WD Show (Public Event)
Australia’s biggest 4WD show, at McCallum Park. More info..

DecThu 26th – Thu 2nd JanChristmas trip – Where to this year???
Let’s hit the road!
Difficulty: *     Endurance: *    Trip leader:   

Read this Safety message please!

Important information for visitors considering attending any trip: You are required to read or disclaimer on the information on our Indemnity Form, and sign it. Please read our Safety Policy for details on safety procedure on our trips, which includes a more detailed description of some of the following points:  We highly recommend that you have rated recovery points fitted to your vehicle, and in fact this is a requirement if you attend any trips with a difficulty rating of 3 stars (***) or more. When on a trip, the trip leader is in charge of the trip, and has the final word on all matters, including recoveries etc. Click here for more info.

Legend for trip ratings…   Read this Safety message please!

Endurance*Normal distances from services
**Moderate distances from MOST services
***No services. Must be fully self sufficient with extra water, fuel, tools, tyres, spare parts
Difficulty*Normal / Bitumen. Bring your 2WD if you like!
**Gravel or Hard Sand Driving. Any 4WD will do. 
***4×4 track, beach and soft sand, suitable for most 4WD’s including “soft roaders”. Recovery points recommended.
****Hill climbs, ruts, water crossings. Recommend 4WD with decent ground clearance.  Recovery points highly recommended.
*****Only experienced operators & high ground clearance vehicles. Possible vehicle damage!  Recovery points required (see Safety Policy)

Click here to see events from previous years / and here for next year’s events )

Information about camp fires & fire bans: Click Here

Would you like to Join our club (or come on a trip as a visitor)? Then click here for New Member & visitor info.
Membership / policies and other info is available on our Information Page.
Trip leaders need to print out and get Visitors to sign our Indemnity Form